Security Policy

The information you provide to DCS store is protected in transit by using a network protocol called Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). SSL is the industry standard technology for secure online transactions. A simple way to know your transmission is protected is by referencing the URL. If it starts with https:// you can be assured that it is using SSL. Transactions are processed only from secure browsers. These browsers encrypt the information sent using SSL, which scrambles the data. Transmissions From DCS store to credit card processors also are encrypted. In addition, the computers housing the data are protected by physical security measures.

Safeguarding Information

To minimize the risk of loss and/or additional expenses that could occur from compromised cardholder information, DCS store WILL NOT retain any of the following information electronically:

  • Credit Card number
  • Credit Card expiration date number in the magnetic stripe
  • Security Code (CVC number)

REMINDER: In the event of an unauthorised use of your credit or debit card, you must promptly notify the card issuer pursuant to its reporting rules and procedures.